• Meerkat family huddling together.
    The Bush Telegraph

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Hello, sawubona and avuxeni!

It’s great to have you here. If you're as wild about African travel as we are, you’ve come to the right place. As experienced safari guides and conservationists, we share some of the best travel stories, advice, and experiences imaginable on the Continent.

Africa is calling. Are you ready for your adventure?

A Safari Adventure: Four Friends, Four Countries, Infinite Memories

Posted on Thu June 6, 2024.

From the vibrant cityscapes of Cape Town to the wild heart of Africa, this safari was more than just a journey; it was a tapestry of incredible moments and lifelong memories. Dan, Linda, Al, and Phyllis left with their hearts full and spirits soaring, having experienced the very best that Southern Africa has to offer.

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Levin Family Safari Trip Report

Posted by Margaux on Thu May 16, 2024 in News from the Field.

The Levin family's safari adventure began in Cape Town with its iconic Table Mountain and lively food scene. After exploring the city, they flew to Hoedspruit to experience the wonders of Kruger National Park. Here, they had remarkable encounters with wildlife, including a white lion, African wild dogs, and a near-hunt by cheetahs. Their journey also included visits to local villages, an animal rehabilitation center, and unforgettable moments in the Balule Game Reserve, where they saw rhinos, lions, and an elusive leopard during a night drive. Read more to find out about this incredible Family Adventure...

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A Rare Encounter on Safari: Black and White Rhinos at the Waterhole

Posted on Tue May 7, 2024.

During a recently hosted safari, our guests from America and we witnessed a remarkable and rare encounter at a waterhole. A black rhino cow and her young calf confronted a white rhino bull, an unusual interaction as these two species typically don't cross paths.

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A Wildlife Tracker: Do You Have What It Takes?

Posted by Margaux on Fri April 19, 2024.

Join me as I recount a recent experience assisting in training aspiring Bushwise Field Guide students under renowned tracker trainer Colin Patrick's guidance.

As we delve into the essential components of tracking, consider whether you possess the curiosity, patience, and keen observation skills required to navigate the intricate pathways of the bush and its inhabitants.

Are you ready to answer the call of the wild and embark on an adventure where every footprint leads to discovery?

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March Madness: Notes from the field

Posted on Sat March 23, 2024.

Hey there, fellow Safari Adventurers!

Pull up a seat and get ready to dive into the wild world of Hylton Langley Safaris.

March has been a whirlwind of excitement as we explored the enchanting Kruger National Park with some amazing guests from across the World.

With the seasons in flux and nature putting on a show, our guests had the time of their lives discovering the magic of Africa's untamed beauty. So, grab a cuppa, and let's reminisce about the incredible sighting highlights and unforgettable moments that made March one for the books!

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